Trick to Understanding Paint Chips
Learn the simple trick to understanding paint chips so you can choose the right color the first time around!

Confused by the sea of paint chips? 

Sick of choosing the wrong paint color? 

This FREE GUIDE will teach you a very simple trick to understanding paint chips. Once you know it, you will choose the perfect paint color the first time, every time. 

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As the founder of one of the highest ranked DIY and home decor websites, Designer Trapped in a Lawyer's Body, I am obsessed with helping others create homes that they love living in, from top to bottom!  

I know what it is like to haphazardly pick paint colors--it always ends in disaster! And I also know how frustrating is to painstakingly choose paint colors only to find that my choices were still WRONG.

Fortunately, after 15 years, 4 homes and a lot of paint color mistakes, I have discovered a simple trick to understanding paint chips and I'm excited to share it with you so you can stop spinning your wheels!

I have no formal design training. If I can do it, I promise you can do it, too! 

The complete design system to create a home you love.